Types Of Veterinary Care For All Animals

What To Do If Your Puppy Has A Cold: A Guide

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Welcoming a new puppy into your home can be an exciting yet overwhelming task, especially when their health is at risk. Similar to humans, dogs can also catch colds. A puppy’s immune system is not as strong as an adult dog’s, so they are more susceptible to catching a cold. If you think your pup has a cold, don’t panic. This article will guide you on what to do if your puppy has a cold. Read More»

How Nutrition Can Impact Your Dog's Health And Behavior

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Your dog needs a nutritious diet to stay healthy. Your dog could suffer from illness or behavioral issues without essential vitamins. The risk of some diseases and age-related issues increases with poor nutrition. Here is more information about good dog nutrition and the problems poor nutrition causes. What Nutrients Are Essential for Dogs? Dogs are fairly omnivorous, like humans. They can digest a variety of food. Dogs usually need a good combination of meat, vegetables, and fruits. Read More»

Two Conditions To Watch Out For In Diabetic Dogs

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If your dog has been diagnosed with diabetes, then you know how important it is to keep his or her blood sugar in check with a specialized diet and insulin injections. With the proper care, most diabetic dogs can enjoy a few more comfortable, relatively healthy years. But there are conditions that can arise in diabetic dogs due to the diabetes – even if you’re doing all you can to manage it. Read More»

Special Diets Don't Mean Sacrificing Special Moments Of Treats For Your Kitty

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If you are like many loving cat owners, one of the daily bonding rituals that you and your feline friend have shared includes presenting him with treats and watching him enjoy them. This kitty custom likely occurs at routine time of the day, and your cat eagerly looks forward to his kitty cookies. This anticipation doesn’t come to a halt when cats are prescribed long-term therapeutic diets to manage a health condition, and your generosity doesn’t need to either. Read More»

Young, Wild, And Free: Three Question To Ask Your Vet Before Putting Your Dog On A Raw Diet

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If you want your dog to be as healthy as possible, you may be interested in getting them as much exercise as possible, reconsidering the types of treats that you give, and feeding them better food. Some dog owners put their pets on raw food diets in order to keep their dog away from processed food. If you are interested in putting your dog on raw food, there are some questions you should pass on to your veterinarian first. Read More»